Staff Spotlight: Nathan Pike

Staff Spotlight: Nathan Pike

Where and what did you study?

I studied at IUPUI, now known as IU Indianapolis, and earned my undergrad in 2011 Media Arts and Sciences with a focus on Video Game Level Design. After graduation, I took a year off, then went back to earn my masters in 2015 in Media Arts and Sciences with a focus on Game Character Design. 

In what areas are you excited to grow at Curran?

I have never worked at a firm that solely focuses on architecture. I am fascinated with 3D Design and spent most of my time creating hard surfaces when designing video games. Not having an architectural background allows me to think outside of the box and bring a new, unique perspective to Curran. I am excited to work with varying types of designs and projects, and hope to one day share my 3D knowledge and expertise with the team and eventually our clients. I am intrigued by the thought and intention behind each design, and am just happy to be in a new, bright environment that seeks positive results and values independence. I learn as I go, so I am eager to take on new challenges while helping others reach their goals. 

What do you value most in the workplace?

I very much align with a calm workplace. I am not into workplace drama, egos taking over, or micromanaging. Curran aligns with all of this allowing me to work independently without fear of someone constantly looking over my shoulder. I also seek work/life balance, and know Shawn and the team at Curran work to live, not the other way around. Moving back to Indy from my last role in Cincinnati, I am closer to my friends and family and value the time I get to spend with them without feeling like I should be overextending myself. I also really value the flex scheduling that Curran offers, allowing me to actually take a lunch and trusting that whatever work needs to get done, will get done. 

What are three things you enjoy doing outside of work?

I like to call myself an introverted nerd, just in the sense that I enjoy alone time. I am addicted to creating various LEGO sets and displaying them around my apartment. I also enjoy finding new things to model in 3D, keeping my skills fresh and ready. Now that I am back in Indy, I spend Sundays hanging out with family, watching football and trying my dad’s new recipes and helping him find the perfect balance of flavor for different cuisines. I also spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, catching up on what’s new and looking back at all the good times we’ve had before getting “old.”

What is something that a stranger would be surprised to learn about you?

I was born in Honduras and adopted at three months old, I played football in high school, and I was in a fraternity in college (but I don’t talk about that much anymore).

If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why? 

I would teleport anywhere in Europe. I have never been, but my friends have been and shared stories about their trips. I would love to ride a train over there. I find it fascinating that you can travel from country to country via train. 

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

There is currently a toss up in my head between pasta and pizza. I pick those two because you can make so many different variations of each that you would never get bored!

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