The Meridian Street Bridge
“The Meridian Street bridge over Fall Creek is simply amazing. There used to be such elegance and beauty in what is considered in modern times to be mundane or boring structures. Bridges of today are designed to be safe, but in an efficient way. In a way that makes them seem to fade into the background. These structures call out to be seen as marvels of human achievement.”
Old St. Vincent Hospital
“This structure is simply amazing. It’s a hospital that actually seems inviting! Built 100 years ago, before cars were the common mode of transportation, this building has stood the test of time. Though its roof was deteriorated and leaking due to a lack of maintenance, this building still stands straight and tall. I’m so glad they saved it from destruction. The attention to detail and the quality of the craftsmanship clearly illustrate the importance that design and construction once had.”
Union Station
“Creative reuse of historically and regionally significant buildings is one of the best ways to honor architecture of the past. This building is no exception. This building was once used by thousands of people on a daily basis to bring people, goods and business into and out of central Indiana. Its legacy lives on now, its beauty can continue to be seen by visitors to the building. Much in the same way that Cincinnati transformed its former Union Station into a museum, Indianapolis has found a way to save this building for generations to come.”